Hello everyone.
We got a trusty source for pharma grade pure beta lapachone (>98%) such the one used in the korean studies. The price is 250$ per gram. This is the very best price we got so far. If anyone found a better price, please contact us, but the source has to be reliable such the one we will use.
Knowing beta-lapachone has the half-life is beyond 24 hours, we can consider a low dose such as 50mg (also considering the HED) per day could be enough to get significant result from increasing energy, body fat loss / healthy weight (very interesting effect to monitor) and slowing aging.
If anyone is interested we can group buy it, but should ask for 10g production at least to get this price. If anyone is interested, please consider let a comment below.
Thank you !
I recently had 10 grams of beta lapachone synthesized by two chemists I know. the raw materials were 200 dollars per gram. Last week I had a proton NMR done on the batch >97% purity. I gave samples to David Sinclair of Harvard and Lenny Guarantee of MIT, both of whom I know. They were impressed with the purity. The chemists said even that small amount of impurities may have been a result of the vial I shipped the sample in to the testing laboratory.
Anyway, both Lenny and David are very interested in this compound (Lenny has a company that is producing a compound called BASIS – NR +pterostilbene) which may be the the next generation of NAD enhancers. It is noteworthy that at the SENS conference at the Buck institute two weeks ago (I was invited) Brian Kennedy – CEO of Buck, and Lenny’s former student, was wholly uninformed about beta lapachone. His baby its Rapamycin. Interestingly, these two compounds may be complimentary. I am very interested in discussing dosage, and your guesstimate as to a reasonable dosage. How do you come to this number? If I produced a large amount of BL, I probably can get the price per gram down to 150.
Awesome ! for the dosage we used bit lower amount than what was used in the study using 40mg/kg in mice. We then convert using the HED formula.
If you want we can promote here the group buy or whatever you need in order to allow everyone to enjoy beta-lapachone.
Ideally you would have to make it into capsules form but you will have to look into US dietary supplement regulation.
The beta lapachone we have produced are red crystals. The chemists said you could just eat them. I bought a mg scale last week and my idea would be to just weigh the stuff out. People can do what they want with it. The chemists also said it’s not very bio available – around 15% – so some people might opt to put it in solution. As to dose, can you speak further about it. My sense is that they really load top mice when they do trials, and my question is: could the effective dosage for a normal person (for purposes of health improvement vs acute disease cure) be much lower. Ideas?
With regard to production of BL, the chemists experimented with different methods over the course of 9 months and the most successful method they arrived at can be done quite quickly (a week including drying).
sorry for the late reply.
About dosage, we should make a specific page about it on this site. The idea is that indeed I believe we can get effect such as health maintenance with much lower dosage. The 40mg/Kg in mice means 3,24mg/kg in humans = 226mg for a 70kg person. Knowing even for resveratrol people get benefit with fraction of the recomended HED, and knowing beta-lapachone has a good helf life, 50mg per day should be enough to start with. We have to test in human especially knowing one of the effect would be to make us more “fit”
Please count me in for the group buy.
I have been taking 20 mgs per day since September 16th, my thinking being that if a conservative dose is 40mgs, then half it. I have missed perhaps a total of a week during this period. I purchased clear capsules, weighed them, and then tweezed the crystals in and reweighed it. I am making it available for scientific research purposes available on a page at my website Toageornottoage.com – it will go live in the net week or so. The NMR report for the beta lapachone is available, this batch is >97% pure
Hi Robert, I didn’t find anything on your film website, what has become of your Group Buy? And can you share your observations and conclusions after several months with 20mg/day of Beta Lapachone?